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A message from the Learning and Organisational Development Team

Like most others, we have been working from home for the past year – and what a year it has been!

However, the show must go on and we have worked hard to adapt to the new online way of working and took corporate training courses online.

We are immensely proud to say that as a team, we have continued to upskill our workforce by organising, re-designing course material and delivering an alternative virtual learning experience.

We will continue to deliver courses via Team during 2021. The feedback from delegates has been great, money has been saved and overall our carbon footprint has reduced – so not all is lost. Although we know that many will have missed the Greenwood soup and scones!

Some things have been put on hold – for example, North Ayrshire Achieves, which simply wouldn’t have been possible at this time. However, it will return and when it does, we cannot wait to be inundated with the fabulous examples of the great work carried out by staff, particularly during the Covid-19 crisis.

We’re heard of some incredible work from both staff who deliver frontline services and those who are behind the scenes –  and that aligns perfectly with our nine nomination categories.

Connected Leadership sessions for Senior Leaders are now being organised to share knowledge and update Senior Leader on key topics. Keep an eye out on the Leadership Academy SharePoint site for upcoming sessions.

As part of the Connected Leadership programme, a Senior Leaders Toolkit has now been launched, which provides the tools and techniques covered in the Leadership Development Programme (Strategic) in one place so they can be accessed as and when required.

We have also been in the background working on the iLearn site, which will be revamped this month.  Keep an eye out for further announcements on this and for some great new learning opportunities.

In March, we launched the MyOHPortal. This new online portal should be used to make occupational health referrals and for recruiting managers to issue pre-employment questionnaires. A fully detailed User Guide and Step-by-Step guides are available if you are a manager that will be using this system.  Find out more in this Latest News post.

We’re pleased to have successfully accessed funding from the Flexible Workforce Development Fund again. We are working with Ayrshire College to agree content and provide Neurodiversity sessions after Easter. We’ll share more on this in News in Brief shortly – spaces will be limited so you need to be quick!

Finally, if ever there was a time in our lives to make sure we factor in ‘Our Time to Talk’ – this is it!

It’s important that we take time to make sure employees are okay, that they are still making their own valuable contribution to their team and are supported appropriately. Remember, these conversations can be done at any point throughout the year and can be done via Teams or face-to-face (in line with Covid-19 restrictions).

Each employee must have one session with their line manage per year so please make sure you have some dedicated time booked in for your discussion.

For more on learning and development opportunities visit Connects.

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