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Able Futures can offer you mental health support now

Avoid waiting times, get FREE mental health and wellbeing support now with Able Futures…

Mental health and wellbeing support is on hand now for all Council employees as your health and wellbeing is our highest priority. We are always looking for ways we can enhance the support provided, so we have teamed up with Able Futures to do just that…

Able Futures delivers the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service which is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions.

It is available to employees who may be experiencing issues such as anxiety, depression, stress, or struggling to deal with problems such as debt, disrupted sleep or relationship breakdowns that may be affecting your mental health. Read more in the Latest News article.

There’s no charge to use the service and over a period of up to nine months, support from Able Futures can help you learn how to take care of yourself enabling you to feel more confident in tackling issues and learning new ways to manage your mental health and overcome obstacles.

Support from Able Futures is available over the telephone, video calls and through email. There’s no waiting list and it’s a completely confidential service. Able Futures won’t inform your manager, colleagues, family, or friends that you have accessed the service.

If you feel you could benefit from some support with your mental health and wellbeing, call Able Futures on 0800 321 3137 or visit their website to find out more about the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service and sign up online.

Helen Foster, Head of Pensions, Wellbeing and Benefits at Sodexo, explains how Able Futures has helped them support staff’s mental health at work. Read more about Sodexo’s Able Futures story in the Sodexo Able Futures case study.

Able Futures icon with woman looking out of window

This Mental Health Support Service is amongst a range of support services and information available to employees and complements our existing Occupational Health provision within the Council delivered by Optima Health – however currently the wait times for mental health support are extended so Able Futures could be a useful initial support route.

Remember, you are not alone. Support is available, all you need to do is take the next step…

If you feel able to, speak to your line manager, a colleague or a trusted friend or family member. Sometimes even just having the courage to share what is on your mind can offer some relief.

You can also have an informal chat with one of our Wellbeing Warriors. LiveWell’s Mental Health and Wellbeing webpage also contains helpful mental health and wellbeing resources and apps.

The Council’s Insurance partner Zurich also provides counselling and support services that can be accessed for free by employees. Further information on this can be found here: Zurich General Insurance Support Services Guide.

Alternatively, you can email the Able Futures team directly at: to find out more about the service and complete your application.

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