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Action required! Mandatory E-Learning

All employees are required to complete a selection of mandatory e-learning modules on an annual basis. Action is required by 31st March 2024. Please refer to the list below and ensure that you complete the relevant modules on iLearn dependant on your role.

All employees are required to complete:
  • Cyber Security Essentials 2024
  • GDPR 2024
  • Freedom of Information (FOI) 2024
  • Display Screen Equipment (DSE) 2024
  • Fire Safety Awareness 2024
  • Equality & Diversity Awareness 2024
  • Two Stage Complaint Handling 2024
  • RIPSA 2024
Applicable employees only are required to complete:
  • Fire Warden 2024
  • Asbestos Awareness 2024
  • Procurement Card Holder 2024
  • Procurement Card Approver 2024
Decorative computer graphic with text 2024 E-Learning Action Required!
Please note:
  1. *All employees are those that have access to council systems and have an iLearn account. Where the content is relevant to employees who do not have access to iLearn, then managers should arrange access by emailing HR Learning and Development Team (providing the employees name, email address and employee number). Alternatively, managers should provide this learning via a group session/toolbox talk and arrange for this to be added to the employees development record.
  2. Within the mandatory section you will also see a module called Stress Awareness. All employees should complete this once but does not require to be repeated annually.
  3. If you recently completed the Cyber Essentials e-learning module as instructed due to a recent Phishing exercise you will be required to complete this again between January and March 2024.

Managers please ensure your teams’ factor in the time to complete the relevant modules.

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