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Become a champion for Data Protection and Governance

Do you often find yourself reaching out to Information Governance for advice and assistance on behalf of your service? Are you looking to learn more about Data Protection and Governance?

The Information Governance Team are currently in the early stages of putting together the new Data Protection and Governance Group (DPAGG). The group is a legislative requirement, designed to support all Council Services with the promotion and delivery of Data Protection and Information Governance.

We are looking for DPAGG Representatives who are committed to representing their Service area in promoting the following 3 principles of the Group:

  1. Embedding a privacy by design culture across the Council
  2. Demonstrating accountability under the principles of the UK GDPR
  3. Upholding the information rights of our employees, customers, services users and Elected Members engaged with Council Services

If you’d like to volunteer to represent your Service, please submit your details via the online form.

Graphic encouraging others to join Data Protection and Governance Group (DPAGG)

Joining the group will give you the opportunity to:

  1. Ensure your service has the appropriate policies and procedures in place in compliance with the legislation.
  2. Highlight any areas of concern, training requirements or discuss any relevant upcoming changes.
  3. Review and monitor performance for each service in relation to FOI, SAR, Data Protection, Records Management and Complaints.
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