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Coming soon! Carers Week 2022: Money Matters Session

The Money Matters team will be hosting a 45 minute information session  via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 8 June at 10am – as part of national Carers Week 2022.

National Carers Week runs from 6th – 12th June 2022 and the theme this year is ‘Make Caring Visible, Valued and Supported’.

Caring impacts on all aspects of life from relationships and health to finances and work.

An unpaid carer is anyone who supports a family member or friend due to illness, disability, mental health, drug or alcohol issues or just as they grow older.

Do you currently work with families/individuals who are unpaid carers? Could you be an unpaid carer?

Money Matters can help to provide you with advice on welfare rights, assistance or representation in relation to benefits, the service is free, impartial and confidential.

The team will be hosting a 45 minute information sessions via Microsoft Teams on:
Wednesday 8 June (10am)

Any staff member who would like to know more about the services Money Matters can offer, and the support they can and have provided unpaid carers is encouraged to please book your space by contacting: before Friday 3 June to book your slot.

If you are unable to attend the session and would like further information please contact Money Matters direct on 01294 310456 or email

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