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Children’s Hearings Scotland seeks volunteers

Would you like to make a difference and become a volunteer Children’s Panel member?

Children’s Hearings Scotland in Ayrshire is looking for people who have good assessment, observation and communication skills to join the team as volunteer Panel Practice Advisors.

Panel Practice Advisors are responsible for selecting and recommending Panel Members for appointment. They also support Panel Members through feedback to ensure the strongest possible decisions are being made for infants, children, young people and families.

Full training will be provided, however you should be enthusiastic and committed to securing the rights of children and young people and improving their outcomes and experience. You should also be able to lead and be part of a team, be a strong communicator, have experience in working with volunteers and be able to demonstrate a strong understanding of the ethos of Children’s Hearings Scotland.

To find out more, visit the vacancies page of the Children’s Hearings Scotland website. The application deadline is Wednesday 15 March.

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