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Children’s Panel Recognition Ceremony

The Ayrshire Area Support Team (AST) will be holding its annual volunteer recognition ceremony at the Park Hotel, Kilmarnock on Thursday 15 September from 7pm.

The event will celebrate long service of current and former AST and panel members from across Ayrshire.

Recognising those who have a service of 5 years or more, this year,  28 current and former volunteers with a combined service of over 350 years are due to be recognised for their dedication and service to the Children’s Hearings System.

The longest serving award this year goes to Helen Steele, former South Ayrshire panel member who retired with a service of 28 years.

15 current panel members with a service of between 5 and 15 years will also be recognised, including two current South Ayrshire panel members and one current North Ayrshire panel member with 15 years service to the children’s panel.

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