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Climate Change Week 13-19 Sep

Climate change is one of the biggest threats facing mankind and immediate action is required to prevent further irreversible damage to the planet.

Scotland has set a target to reduce emissions to net zero by 2045. ‘Net zero emissions’ means that the amount of greenhouse gas emissions we put into the atmosphere balances with the amount we’re able to take out. We can achieve net zero by cutting our emissions to a minimum and capturing the emissions we can’t prevent by, for example, planting trees.

Scotland’s climate change targets are ambitious and will need everyone to make lasting changes to the way we live and work.

This week we’ll be sharing tips on how to play your part in reaching net zero and showcasing some of the fantastic work the Council is already doing to tackle climate change.  Follow the campaign on our social channels Twitter (@North_Ayrshire) and Facebook (@NorthAyrshireOfficial)

For more information and resources visit: Climate Week | Net Zero Nation

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