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Consultation opens on welfare rights, debt advice and other financial support services

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As part of a refresh of the North Ayrshire Financial Inclusion Strategy 2023-28, we are asking residents of North Ayrshire to share their views on how they think local welfare rights/benefits and money/debt advice services – as well as other financial inclusion services – could be improved to better meet their needs going forward.

The survey can be filled in online and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. It closes on Friday 3 November at 5pm.

Responses to the survey are anonymous and will help to inform our action plan for 2024-2028. The survey is also available in Ukrainian, Russian, Arabic, Polish, Urdu, Romanian, Chinese and Turkish by clicking on the language tab at the top of the Microsoft Forms page.

Please keep an eye out on the NAHSCP Twitter and Facebook pages and help to spread the word by sharing posts about the survey on your own service’s channels where appropriate.

To help us gather the views of as many of the most vulnerable and isolated people in our communities as possible, we are asking frontline staff members to please share the survey link with service users – and where possible to support those who are digitally excluded to take part in the consultation. Your help with this would be very much appreciated.

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