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Could you become a Community Reviewer?

The Council’s next Participatory Budgeting cycle will begin in Autumn 2024 and ahead of this, our Connected Communities team has launched a volunteer recruitment drive for application community reviewers…

If you live in North Ayrshire and are keen to take part, spaces are still available across our six localities.

If you are interested, you can email the PB mailbox at: will then be invited to a virtual engagement session to find out what will be required of you.

In our previous October 2023 funding round, over 101 community groups benefited from North Ayrshire Council and NAHSCP’s Participatory Budgeting fund where community groups and organisations were able to bid for up to £1,000 per project.

With the total funding due to be confirmed early Summer 2024, we want to ensure we have community reviewers in place to get trained up and ready to review the applications ahead of voting opening in October 2024.

The support of community members in reviewing applications is an invaluable part of the process.

To get an idea of what type of projects you would be reviewing if you register to become a community reviewer,  take a look at last year’s successful projects on the Shaping North Ayrshire website.

The Connected Communities team would be grateful to hear from you, so please don’t delay, email today if you want to volunteer your time as a Community Reviewer and stay tuned to the Council’s social media channels for updates on when the nomination phase will begin…

We're looking for Community Reviewers to help with next round of PB
Why get involved in helping our next round of PB?

Participatory Budgeting (PB) is all about empowering communities to achieve their ambitions and get more people involved in local democracy while improving services in their communities.

This volunteering opportunity will allow you to access your assigned batch of applications to review via an online website where you will be required to review and assess their eligibility before they are put forward for the public vote. Full training and guidance will be provided.

It’s a great opportunity to get to know more about the incredible groups operating locally and will provide you with a chance to give back to the communities of North Ayrshire alongside providing valuable support to our Connected Communities team.

So, if you would like to volunteer, get in touch by emailing:

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