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Council’s free holiday school meals club continues

North Ayrshire pupils can catch up with friends, enjoy a nutritious lunch and take part in some fantastic free activities as the free school holiday lunches programme returns this Summer.

North Ayrshire Council’s free holiday school meals and activities programme is returning to a community venue near you!

And with 22 locations now taking part, more community centres than ever-before are participating in the 6-week programme across North Ayrshire this summer.

Recognising the current cost of living challenges, top-up vouchers of £10 per pupil per week will also be made available for eligible families.

A £10 shopping voucher will be provided for those with an assessed eligibility for free school meals. A £10 voucher will be issued per child, per week for the 7 weeks of the summer period. This will be issued in 2 blocks: the first one covering weeks 1-4 and the second issue covering weeks 5-7.

As part of this summer’s programme, pupils can come along to their local participating community centre to catch up with their friends, enjoy a nutritious lunch and take part in some fantastic free activities as the programme returns this summer break.

Available to both primary and secondary pupils who are currently eligible for assessed-need free school meals*, the lunch sessions will take place from Monday 4 July until Friday 12 August, (11.30am -2.30pm) at the following venues:

Locality Location
Arran Arran Outdoor Education Centre is running an occasional activity programme.
Garnock Valley Beith Astro: 5-day programme
Bridgend Community Centre: 5-day programme
Dalry Community Centre: 5-day programme
Fullarton Community Hub: 5-day programme
Greenwood Academy: 5-day programme
Redburn Community Hub: 5-day programme
Springside Community Centre: 5-day programme
Towerlands Community Centre: 5-day programme
Vineburgh Community Centre: 5-day programme
Kilwinning Love Hall: 5-day programme
Nethermains Community Centre: 5-day programme
North Coast & Cumbraes Fairlie Library is running an occasional activity programme – check
Largs Academy: Collection of packed lunches – 5 days
Millport Library is running an occasional activity programme (check programme – check
Skelmorlie Library is running an occasional activity programme (check programme – check
West Kilbride Community Centre: 5-day programme
Three Towns Argyle Community Centre Saltcoats: 5-day programme
Church of Nazarene Ardeer: 5-day programme
Church of Nazarene Ardrossan: 5-day programme
Hayocks Community Centre: 5-day programme
Whitlees Community Centre: 5-day programme

Entry is free however we do recommend checking the Council’s website (see below) for opening hours before visiting as these venues and the activities on offer each day may be subject to change at short notice due to Covid-19 cases impacting staff managing the sites.

For more information on participating community venues, opening times and contact details visit:

Councillor Scott Davidson, Cabinet Member for Place, said: “We are thrilled to introduce our new school holiday meals sessions for this summer break.

“We are delighted to offer what feels like the first near-to-normal summer programme in a long time where children and young people can come together once again to meet up with their friends in a safe and supervised environment and enjoy a free, tasty and nutritious lunch at the same time.”

“There’s no need to register – children and young people can simply turn up on the day at any of the participating community venues. We’d like to thank our valued community partners for the work they’ve done to make this possible.”

Councillor Davidson added: “This summer’s food vouchers will also help to address the financial pressure on families during the current Cost-Of-Living crisis, giving them the freedom to shop for their own groceries and still make the most of the free school meals available in their communities this summer.”

*The holiday club service is for those who have an assessed eligibility for free school meals based on low income. It is not for pupils who are part of the universal free school meals provision (however, if these pupils are attending their local club with friends, the community venue staff will welcome them).

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