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Cyber Scotland Week 2021

This week is Cyber Scotland Week 2021.  This is a national campaign organised by the Scottish Government with the aim of increasing the awareness of cyber security.

To support this campaign, we are sharing some advice and guidance on good cyber security that staff can practice at home, in the office, and while on the move.

The pandemic has seen a significant increase in cybercrime and cyber-enabled fraud scams which target your money and your information.  However, taking a few simple steps can greatly reduce your risk of being a victim to these crimes.

These steps include:

The ‘Cyber Security Essentials’ course is also now available on iLearn.  This course contains important advice on protecting your personal and professional online activity and you can complete this in as little as 15 minutes.

Details of other national events being run this week are available on the Cyber Week Scotland website.

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