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Don’t fall for Coronavirus phishing email scams

Cyber criminals are using concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation to commit fraud scams

Please be aware cyber criminals are using concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation to commit fraud scams, to trick people into providing sensitive information, and to distribute ransomware.

The forged emails may appear to be from business partners, suppliers or public bodies.  However, they will use standard phishing email techniques such as containing an invoice attachment or link for urgent supplies or asking for login details to access important information.

Some simple steps you can take to verify an email include:

  • Don’t panic, take time to review the email
  • Check the sender is a known supplier or customer
  • Confirm the sender address is the correct email address for the person or organisation
  • Ensure the spelling and grammar is proper and business like
  • Check the greeting is personally addressed to you
  • Make sure the sender’s signature is appropriate and complete

If you have any doubts or suspicions, do not:

  • Click on any links
  • Open any attachments
  • Reply to the email
  • Feel pressured by requests for immediate action
  • Provide any personal information or banking details
  • Make any payments to unverified bank accounts

When you receive a suspicious email, often the best reaction is to simply delete It. Alternatively, it can be forwarded to for additional analysis, then deleted.

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