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Drop Everything and Move!

Lots of you got involved in our recent Drop Everything and Move initiative to be more active.

After a boost in January to raise awareness and lots of inspiration posted on the LiveWell group SharePoint, News In Brief and our social media channels, we thought it would be a good idea to round up the best highlights shared so far to inspire your next DrEAM activity.

The aim of Drop Everything and Move is to take some time off from work mode and take the time to step away and have a proper break.

You can do this by:

  • Blocking off time in your diary to DrEAM
  • Going for a lunchtime walk
  • Doing some exercise in the garden or even just dancing around the room.

Park Life

Colleagues in the Heritage, Information and Culture teams started 2022 brimming with ideas to Drop Everything and Move.

Eglinton Park Rangers inspired many of us to get outside and enjoy what the fresh air and nature had to offer.

So, if you haven’t visited before or it’s been a while since you’ve enjoyed the park, why not head over and try the new orienteering trail or play a game of ‘pooh sticks’ at Tournament Bridge?

Head over to Facebook @eglintoncountrypark to get some inspiration for your next DrEAM activity or visit the Eglinton Country Park website: Eglinton Park (


Keep on digging!

Over at Eglinton Community Gardens, the LiveWell group organised two soil shifting sessions and colleagues weren’t afraid to roll their sleeves up and get stuck in.

Colleague Andrew Hale of the LiveWell group (pictured back left) commented:

“Helping out at the Eglinton Community Gardens in my lunchbreak was great, it was good exercise in the fresh air, helping with the project, doing a bit of physical work, a nice welcome break from sitting at the desk all day.”

The team moved soil to construct a mounded corridor which will be planted up this year, creating a natural, wildlife interest boundary to the new children’s area.

The gardens form part of  a collaborative project embracing horticulture and nature-based activities to promote positive mental health and wellbeing, inclusion and equity, and opportunities for volunteering for people within the community.

Find out more about what is happening at the Eglinton Community Gardens in the Staff Talk article here this includes contact details on how to get involved. Keep up to date on how the garden is blossoming by following the team on Facebook @eglintoncommunitygardens

One foot in front of the other

The Heritage and Culture team shared lots of intriguing posts on their Facebook page @NacHeritage and the @NACLiveWell page to give staff some new ideas for walking trails and sights to see in North Ayrshire while getting some fresh air.

From exploring the local cemetery and town centre strolls to promoting the array of heritage walking trails right on our doorsteps, the team encouraged follwers to enjoy some fresh air outdoors while exploring the history of North Ayrshire.

Find out more about the walking trails that you can follow on the mobile app on the go on the website here: North Ayrshire Heritage Trails (

Senior Library Assistant, Melanie McBlain also took part in a recent KA Leisure Walking Group. She shared:

“I had a lovely lunchtime walk in Stevenston. It was great to get some fresh air and connect with colleagues outdoors from different departments. Would highly recommend it!”
Social Post

Apply for the LiveWell grant

LiveWell is North Ayrshire Council’s Healthy Working Lives programme.

The aim of the LiveWell group is to promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to the entire Council workforce, empowering you to make informed choices about your own health and wellbeing.

Our LiveWell Grant was introduced last year to allow employees to apply for funding, up to £150, to arrange team activities for their colleagues, allowing us to reconnect with one another and boost employee wellbeing.

Since then, a number of team activities have taken place including paddle boarding, farm trek, yoga with grants also being awarded for an escape room challenge and a fun-filled outing to Bouncestation.

Join the NAC LiveWell Facebook group for more health and wellbeing initiatives and advice or visit the LiveWell Sharepoint page.

HSCP colleagues enjoyed a recent Yoga session 

Health and Social Care manager Valerie Fitzpatrick recently applied successfully to provide a DrEAM yoga opportunity for her team, the Service Access Team.

The yoga session followed by a relaxing mindfulness session was so good that colleagues from the Multi-Agency Assessment Screening Hub (MAASH) were also inspired to take part in their own separate session funded by the LiveWell Grant.

Valerie commented: “We had a fantastic session that allowed us to be together as a group for the first time in two years. This was an amazing day and a lot of it was filled with laughter. I think the team were just glad to be together.

“Although some of them had never been to a Yoga class, all of the team did take part, sharing that it was an amazing experience. One colleague voiced that in her nearly thirty years in Social Work she had never experienced a day like that. And this was all thanks to the Livewell Grant!”

More details on what you will need to apply for the grant can be found on the LiveWell Grant Application Form which includes guidance on completing the application, you can also email

Following specific funding received by the Scottish Government, the Health and Social Care Partnership have been able to create their own grant scheme – the Primary & Social Care Grants Scheme.

So, if you work in Social Care, you may wish to also apply to this scheme here: Primary & Social Care Grants Scheme Application. If you have any questions regarding the Social Care Grant Scheme please contact Lauren MacMillan at

Get involved and post your next DrEAM moment on social media with the hashtag #DrEAMNA or if you live in North Ayrshire, you can also tag #lovenorthayrshire – for your chance to be featured in our next update.

Look out in your inbox for more updates from the LiveWell group in the coming months of other DrEAM activities to get involved in.

If you have any good DrEAM ideas that you’d like to share contact:

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