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Gambling Related Harms in the Workplace

In recognition of the impact problem gambling can have on employees and the difficulties this can create, the Council has created a new HR Guide: Gambling Related Harms in the Workplace.

The Council is committed to supporting the overall health, safety and wellbeing of our employees. In support of this, we have worked with Trade Union representatives towards achieving the Gambling Workplace Charter.

In recognition of the impact problem gambling can have on employees and the difficulties this can create, not only within their personal lives, but within the workplace we are launching the new HR Guide: Gambling Related Harms in the Workplace.

The guide aims to encourage employees to manage their health and seek supports if they are experiencing gambling related harms or indirectly affected by problem gambling.

In addition, the guide provides a consistent framework to ensure Managers are able to access information on how to support employees who disclose they are experiencing problem gambling or gambling related harms.

To support the introduction of this HR Guide and reinforce our commitment towards the Charter we have arranged an awareness session on Gambling Related Harms in the Workplace presented by Caitlin Murray (HR Adviser) on the new HR Guide: Gambling Related Harms in the Workplace, followed by Louise McDaid from Unison on the Indirect Impacts of Problem Gambling and lived experience from Christopher Collins (Recovery Development Worker).

This session will be held via Teams on Thursday 1 December at 14:00pm – 15:00pm and can be accessed via the online booking link.  This session is suitable for all employees and managers.

Please note, we won’t be sending out individual invites, anyone who wishes to join can just join via the link at that time. 

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