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Help shape our Digital Strategy

It is no secret that the Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way we work and how we interact with our customers and colleagues.

We are all working in new and different ways – whether that’s working from home, in a completely different role or working with new procedures and equipment, we’ve all had to adapt in some way since the first lockdown last March.

But perhaps one of the biggest changes to our daily working lives is how we are increasingly embracing new digital technology to deliver our services and support our local communities.

Our existing Digital Strategy was launched back in 2015.  But it’s fair to say that the pandemic will have created a seismic shift in our digital ambitions, priorities and capabilities.

Therefore, as part of our Council’s Recovery and Renewal Strategy a cross-service team is looking to review the Digital Strategy.

They are looking to gather the views of you, our workforce, to capture and build upon the good practice already demonstrated and help generate new ideas and highlight areas for improvement as we go forward.

They survey takes just a few minutes to complete. So please ensure you take part and get involved in how we shape our Council post Covid-19.

There are two versions of the survey, so please ensure you click the link to the correct one:

Digital Strategy Engagement – Staff

Digital Strategy Engagement – Chief Officers and Senior Managers

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