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Hub opens as Lochshore project reaches latest milestone

One of our most anticipated capital projects recently reached a significant and exciting milestone.

The £4.2 million Lochshore Park Hub was officially opened by North Ayrshire Provost Anthea Dickson in October – and promises to provide a focal point for everything that takes place at the site.

The Hub is one of the first projects to be realised in Phase 1 of Lochshore Park and has been made possible with grant contributions from the Scottish Government’s Regeneration Capital Grant Fund, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), Scottish Enterprise, sportscotland, Garnock Rugby Club, and Land Trust.

The Lochshore Park Hub will provide food, drink, shelter, toilets, function spaces, changing rooms and more –  and will be the focal point for everything that takes place at the site.

What is coming next?

An Active Travel route linking Lochshore Park to the NCN7 cycle route has also been completed, while work on a new 5km running/cycling loop started earlier this summer and is due to finish early next year.

Regeneration Manager Janet Dunsmore said: “It’s a site that is close to the community’s heart and the local residents see it as a major asset.

“There has been a lot of work with the community to put our ideas together to create opportunities, jobs and activities for them.

“It has been a lot of work to get to this stage and we are delighted now to have opened the Hub. The building will facilitate outdoor activities and is helping us make the parkland available to the public.

“Having the hub open will support the clubs who operate on the site as well as visitors and locals who regularly visit.

“This is just the start and we will be providing updates as other phases come to fruition.”

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