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Important advice on returning postal votes General Election

An important update regarding postal votes ahead of General Election

The postal votes for the UK Parliamentary Election have been issued. Changes within the Elections Act mean that for UK Elections there is a change in how Postal Votes are handled. 

If you are voting by post you should complete your postal vote as early as possible and place it in a royal mail post box to ensure it arrives on time. 

In the past, staff have brought their postal votes into Cunninghame House and left them at reception, sent them in the internal mail or taken them to the postal vote team.  This cannot happen – they must be handed to the Election Team and a Postal Vote Return Form completed. 

You can also submit the Postal Vote to a North Ayrshire and Arran Constituency Polling Place on Polling Day where you will be required to complete the Postal Vote Return Form.  If this form is not completed your Postal Vote will be rejected.

You can submit a maximum of 5 postal votes plus your own provided you are not a political campaigner who can only bring in their own, that of a close family member or someone they provide regular care for.

If you work in a frontline office and a voter tries to hand in a postal vote, try to encourage the voter to place it in a Royal Mail post box if there is plenty of time. 

If it is the day before or near to the day of the election, please encourage the voter to take the postal vote to Cunninghame House during office hours. Alternatively advise them that they can take their postal vote to a North Ayrshire and Arran Constituency Polling Place on Polling Day where they will be required to complete the Postal Vote Return Form.

Failure to complete the form will result in refusal of the Postal Vote(s).

Ballot Box
Colleagues are reminded that we are currently in a pre-election period

The pre-election period will continue until close of polls at 10pm on Thursday, July 4. During this time,  as Council employees, we need to take additional care to ensure that we continue to act in a completely impartial and non-political manner.

While Council business goes ahead as usual, we should not engage in activities which could impact on the outcome of the general election. Care therefore needs to be taken if organising events or taking forward policies or decisions which could be controversial and impact on the outcome of the election.

Please take time to read the Pre-Election Guidance for Council Employees and Elected Members which offers valuable advice in the run-up to the election.

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