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Important update from the Adult Support and Protection Team

Colleagues should familiarise themselves with the new multi-agency referral process.

Please be aware, the way in which all staff can make an Adult Support & Protection (ASP) referral has changed.

The referral pathway is now online, and this can be accessed through Connects.  The link has been included below.

Although the team will still accept – in the interim – the WORD forms, however please be aware the online version is the preferred method of communication.

Once submitted, you will get an acknowledgement email when your referral has been received.

Those social work staff who currently initiate referrals through CareFirst, should continue to do so.

As employees of North Ayrshire Council and the NHS we all have a legal responsibility to report our concerns, should we know or believe an adult is at risk of harm.

If you have never received any ASP training or it has been more than 3 years since your training, there are many events running throughout the year.  Please see the second link below, which will take you to available training dates.  To reserve a place on training, please contact:

Link to Adult Support & Protection Referral

Link to Adult Support & Protection Training Calendar

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