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Live music performances happening this week

Make Music Day is an international annual day of music making.

The global celebration takes place on Friday, June 21, and to mark the occasion, North Ayrshire Libraries are welcoming free performances from some of North Ayrshire Music Service’s most talented young musicians…

A chance to celebrate the connective power of music, pupils from across our secondary schools will visit both Irvine and Kilbirnie Libraries to deliver an exciting musical showcase.

Featuring several renditions, the aim of the performances is to help connect communities with music and culture.

The drop-in performances will be free for audience members, beginning at Irvine Library (NA Chamber Orchestra) from 11am until 11:30am then onward to Kilbirnie Library (Garnock Wind Ensemble) from 2pm until 2:30pm.

Rhonda Leith, Head of Service for Connected Communities said: “Not only is this a great opportunity to see first hand how our young musicians are progressing with the expertise of the dedicated Instrumental Instructors over at North Ayrshire Music Service, it is also a chance for local people to experience two of our libraries in a new and exciting way.

“So, if you’re in need of some relaxation, come along to take a breather and experience the calming classical sounds of some of our most talented musicians.

“You can also use the opportunity to speak to our friendly library staff to learn more about other events, groups and services available at your local library.”

Stay tuned to social media early next week when we’ll share a #MakeMusicNA recap with event photos.

Make Music Day live performances

To keep up to date with your local library visit:

To discover more about North Ayrshire Music Services visit:

North Ayrshire free live music performances poster with violin and musical notes pics. Text reads - North Ayrshire Chamber Strings > Experience the power of music with FREE orchestral performances from some of North Ayrshire's most talented young musicians, this Friday 21 June at: Irvine Library (Chamber Strings) 11am-11.30am and Kilbirnie Library (Wind Ensemble) 2pm-2.30pm
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