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MARAC goes live across Ayrshire

A MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) is a local meeting where representatives from statutory and non-statutory agencies meet to discuss individuals at high risk of serious harm or murder as a result of domestic abuse.

The meeting provides a safe environment for agencies to share relevant and proportionate information about current risk, after which agencies agree actions to reduce risk and increase safety.

The primary focus of the MARAC is to safeguard the adult victim. However, the MARAC will also make links with other processes and agencies to safeguard children and manage the behaviour of the perpetrator.

MARAC will go live across North, South and East Ayrshire this Monday 1 August and referrals can be made online here. The referral link will be added to Connects as well as Carefirst in the coming days.

For referral guidance, as well as a list of MARAC meetings and deadlines for the coming year, click on the links below:

Ayrshire MARAC referral guidance

MARAC meetings and deadlines 2022-23

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