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Microsoft Teams Integration with Talentlink

Recruiting Managers should now be aware that HR will be implementing new functionality within Talentlink this Monday 3 October.

This new functionality will allow us to automatically generate a Microsoft Teams link within the emails sent to applicants when inviting them to interview stage. It will also be included in the Confirmation to Panel Members/Chairperson. You can add the calendar event (attached on your confirmation email) to your outlook calendar, and this will remove the requirement to setup a separate Teams invitation.

To ensure recruiting managers are familiar with this new functionality, HR have updated the procedure on Connects and have also scheduled several webinars to provide an overview of the changes made and answer any questions.

To book a slot in a webinar, please click on the preferred date and time below and submit the appropriate booking form. A teams invite will be sent prior to the webinar.

HR hope to also record a webinar and make it available to those who cannot attend the dates above. Alternatively, if this is not possible, the team will be ready to add further webinar sessions at the end of October.

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