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Moorpark Primary officially opens

It’s been a busy and exciting few weeks as we continue to enhance our school estate across North Ayrshire.

In April, we celebrated a major milestone in the development of the new Moorpark Primary.

North Ayrshire Provost Councillor Anthea Dickson laid the final brick to mark the building being secure and watertight.

Work on the £10.85m facility – sitting adjacent to the existing school – started in 2021 and is on course to be complete by September this year.

One of the Council’s key priorities is sustainability, and for this new school the environmental performance of the building was a significant factor in the development of its design and selection of materials.

The new Moorpark Primary will have 12 primary classes and a 24-place Early Years facility.

What are the main principles of Passivhaus design?

As part of the Council’s ambitious net-zero drive, Montgomerie Park will be the first ‘Passivhaus’ school in the region.

  • Airtight construction
  • Quality insulation
  • Superior windows
  • Thermal bridge free design
  • Heat recovery ventilation

And a month later, work on a new eco-friendly £24 million primary school for Irvine officially began.

North Ayrshire Provost Anthea Dickson carried out the official ground-breaking duties to signal the start of construction of the new facility at Montgomerie Park.

The school will be built to rigorous energy efficiency standards and will comprise 12 classrooms, early learning facilities, a gymnasium incorporating flexible performance areas, and dining facilities along with outdoor learning spaces including a 7-a-side all weather pitch.

It will accommodate 342 pupils, plus an early learning and childcare facility with 32 places for 3-5 year olds, and 15 places for 2 year olds.

Both schools are part of North Ayrshire Council’s Capital Investment Programme, which will see improvements for school estate worth £140 million, delivered over the next 10 years.

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