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New video! Website redesign launches softly into testing phase

The new North Ayrshire Council website has been reviewed and re-developed and a ‘beta version’ will be available from Monday, July 1.

The site has been built based on collaboration with colleagues and feedback gathered from across all North Ayrshire localities, speaking to over 600 people. In addition, IT Services have received over 850 digital survey results.

86% of feedback provided said ‘finding information’ was key when using the website. The search functionality has therefore been improved, hopefully making it easier to find content on pages, including news and documents. Watch our overview video above then read the Latest News article to find out more…

Share your feedback on the new Council website:

View the ‘beta’ version of the new Council website here then, if you have any feedback you wish to share, do so via the online survey. Any feedback will help IT Services to improve your experience of the website, all comments are anonymous. Please submit your responses by Monday, August 26.

Remember – it is our duty to ensure that all documents we create meet the latest accessibility guidelines.

Get more information and helpful tips on the Digital Accessibility webpage on Connects.

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