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Recruit With Conviction Event

Ayrshire individuals and businesses are invited to hear about the benefits of employing people with convictions.

According to The Office for National Statistics there are 1.2 million vacancies, with Scotland currently experiencing 4 of the 10 employment blackspots* where many employers are struggling to find applicants.

1 in 5 Scots have some form of criminal conviction and many are not meeting their full potential in the workplace.

In order to address this, The Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership has been leading a multi-agency programme alongside social enterprise Recruit With Conviction. In particular, they have been working with the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to raise awareness of the stigma some job applicants can face due to the declaration of historic convictions.

The programme has enhanced local officers’ understanding on how to realise the potential in each applicant during local recruitment campaigns. This unique partnership has improved their ability to attract retained firefighters across Ayrshire and has already increased applications to the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service by piloting this new approach.

To hear about the benefits they are already seeing and the assistance available for employers and job hunters, local employers are invited to The Princess Royal Suite, Ayr Racecourse, from 9.00am – 12.30pm on Tuesday 30th November 2021.

PLEASE NOTE THE EVENT IS NOW FULLY BOOKED: If you would like to find out more, email:

This partnership event will share lessons learned and provide opportunities for local employers and applicants to hear how this offer is now being widened across Ayrshire and Scotland.

Ian McMeekin, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Local Senior Officer for Ayrshire, stated: “The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is committed to ensuring its workforce is as diverse as the communities it serves. We are dedicated to working in partnership with other agencies to support people who have been involved in the justice system to gain valued employability skills and realise their full potential in life.

“Our work with other colleagues within the Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership has further enhanced our local crews and officers’ awareness of the stigma some job applicants face because of their involvement in the justice system at some point in their lives. We recognise the benefits associated with employing people with lived experiences and how their contributions can help shape the delivery of vital frontline services in line with the standards expected by the public from our organisation.”

Annie Torrance, Manager, Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership said: “Employment is a key factor in having and maintaining a stable lifestyle. We asked people caught up in the justice system in Ayrshire what had contributed to their offending behaviour: the majority of those we spoke to said lack of money and no job. When asked what could be done to help them not to reoffend, almost all said training and help to find employment. We want to support those with convictions in our communities to reach their potential and support them to become good citizens which benefits the whole community.”

*Source: (ONS Statistics: Vacancies and jobs in the UK 2021) and (Recruitment and Employment Federation)

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