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Self Care Tips for Summer

Feel good this Summer with Optima Health’s 15 self-care tips 🙂

  1. Practise gratitude by writing down three things you are grateful for. Doing this exercise daily can increase positive emotions and improve relationships.​​​​​​​
  2. Try something new and take up a new hobby. It can help to give you a sense of accomplishment and supports your overall wellbeing.
  3. Plan something to look forward to in future. It provides us with positive anticipation, which helps us to feel more energised and motivated.
  4. Create a personal playlist of songs that have meaning to you. Music releases pleasure hormones, which in turn can help reduce stress.
  5. Do something that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Challenging yourself can help you to grow confidence and develop your resilience.
  6. Carry out a random act of kindness to make a positive difference to someone’s day. It can help to improve self-esteem and our sense of belonging.
  7. Have a social media detox and disconnect from your phone. It will allow you to have more time to yourself without being distracted.
  8. Make a positivity box out of items that bring you happiness. You can then revisit this box to help boost your mood on days that feel challenging.
  9. Create a vision board to help reflect on your goals. It can help you gain greater self-awareness and increase optimism for the future.
  10. Spend some time outside in nature. It allows us to be fully present in the moment and can help to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  11. ​​​​​​​Invest in a house plant for your home or desk. They can also help to reduce stress, blood pressure, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  12. Pick up a book and read before bed. It gives you a break from technology (which can disrupt sleep) and helps to reduce stress.
  13. Take some time to declutter a room in your home. It can help to relieve anxiety and promote a sense of tranquillity.​​​​​​​
  14. Try using the Pomodoro method to get through today’s tasks. Short sprints can improve efficiency and help you to avoid distractions.
  15. Find a recipe and try cooking a new meal from scratch. It’s a healthier alternative to processed food or takeaways, plus a chance to get creative!
Sunglasses on sand at beach

For more mental health and wellbeing support and guidance, visit the LiveWell page on Connects.

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