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Support for families affected by imprisonment

Families Outside is expanding its support service in North Ayrshire for those impacted by the imprisonment of a family member or loved one.

This national Scottish charity works solely with families affected by imprisonment, and in order to grow its Family Support Service, the local team is looking to connect with services, community projects, local organisations or professionals in North Ayrshire in order to help identify adults, children and young people who could benefit from some support.

The team is eager to attend team meetings or network events in person or virtually to build connections and discuss the work of Families Outside, and would welcome any opportunities in this regard.

If you would like to set up a meeting, discuss how Families Outside can support the families you work with, or find out how you can refer a family member to the service, please email Anne-Marie Clements, Support and Participation Coordinator, on

Visit the website for more information: Help, information, and support for families of prisoners | Families Outside

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