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The Council is now a Disability Confident Leader

North Ayrshire Council have progressed from a Disability Confident: Level 2 Employer to a Disability Confident: Level 3 Leader.

The Disability Confident scheme was developed by employers and disabled people’s representatives and has been running since November 2016.

Since its inception, it has created a movement of change, encouraging employers to think differently about disability and take action to improve how they recruit, retain and develop people with disabilities.

Promoting diversity, equality and inclusion

As part of being a Disability Confident Leader, the Council have pledged their renewed and ongoing commitment to provide a culture which values diversity, equality and inclusion at its heart. Fiona Walker, Head of Service for People and ICT commented:

“Our progression to ‘Disability Confident Leader’ status signals the progress the Council is making in sharing our knowledge and expertise to encourage more employers in the area to become Disability Confident.

“It also marks another key milestone in our continued journey of ensuring the Council attracts, recruits, and retains people with disabilities and those with long-term health conditions in support of our commitment on being a Council that is Fair for All.

“In working towards becoming a Disability Confident Leader,  our HR and Employability teams are continuing to explore and enhance alternative methods to support the recruitment of diverse talent while removing any barriers in the recruitment process.”

An example of the Disability Confident adaptations is the introduction of a See Me CV to assist Modern Apprentices applying for Council jobs. Here, a short video CV can be shared, providing disabled applicants with a voluntary alternative method to convey their skills and abilities to the recruiting manager – particularly beneficial for those who would have otherwise found the traditional online or paper application forms challenging to complete.

Support and encouragement, every step of the way

The Council’s Equal Supported Employment team have also been working in collaboration with community partners at Eglinton Country Park community garden and the Trinity Active Travel Hub to help people of all abilities to gain confidence and develop their employment skills via gardening and landscaping projects – (current Equal trainees pictured below left).

The Equal team supports those with disabilities or long-term health conditions in North Ayrshire into employment and remain a continuous support during their employment. The team also supports local employers to encourage them to adopt a similar approach to employing people with disabilities or long-term health conditions.

Did you know?

As users of the Disability Confident Scheme, our Recruitment and Selection policy guarantees to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for a vacancy – the minimum criteria being the essential criteria specified on the Role Profile and providing acceptable evidence of our Staff Values and Behaviours.

Our HR team can also accommodate any types of aids, adaptations, equipment or special arrangements that may be required when prospective candidates are being interviewed including in-person interviews (if initially organised via Microsoft Teams) and for virtual interactions these can enable other helpful features such as Audio Description (subtitles).

Other special arrangements include alternative formats of the application form (paper based, increased sizing), ground floor location for interviews and additional time during the interview stage.

For more information on the support available, visit the webpage:

Modern Apprentice, Kieran (pictured top right) has been supported by the Equal Team throughout his journey with North Ayrshire Council. The additional activities that he attended through Equal have helped to boost his confidence to embrace this new position.

He commented: “The voluntary option for using a See Me CV is a great way to take the initial pressure off applicants when applying for jobs and help them feel at ease during the interview process. When applying for my position in the Connected Communities team, I felt at ease due to the additional support given. A See Me CV is a great example of this.

“Once my apprenticeship ends, I feel confident and supported that I will be able to use the skills and experience gained and hopefully stand-out and get noticed in the future when I apply for other jobs in the Council and other potential workplaces.”

Kieran has Autism and with the help of his manager, colleagues and Equal he will continue to be supported in his career development to learn a variety of transferable skills that he can take forward in future admin roles.

Kieran added: “I’m looking forward to my time as a Modern Apprentice and knowing I will be supported every step of the way will help me to complete my apprenticeship and hopefully continue my career within the Council.

“I would definitely encourage other people with disabilities and long-term health conditions who are daunted to take the next step in their career to keep a look-out on the MyJobScotland website and apply for a job at North Ayrshire Council.”

HR officer Caitlin Murray has been involved in helping the Council to secure its Disability Leader accreditation. She commented: “I am delighted that the Council has now been recognised as a Disability Confident Leader: Level 3.

“Being Disability Confident provides not only us as a Council but also local businesses too with a unique opportunity to lead the way in our communities and create a truly inclusive workforce.

“By stepping up to become a Disability Confident Leader, we can work with the local business community to support and encourage other partners to adopt a similar approach to disabilities and lifelong health conditions so that everyone in North Ayrshire can be part of our workplaces and fulfil their full potential.”

Find out more about the Disability Confident scheme at: Disability Confident employer scheme – GOV.UK (

To view the Council’s current vacancies, please visit MyJobScotland, and if unable to apply online, contact HR on 01294 324650 for further support and guidance on how to apply.

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