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UK Protect Bulletin Update

Our Police colleagues are asking all staff – particularly those not working from home – to remain vigilant following on from the explosion in Liverpool last week. There is no reason to be alarmed and no specific threat, however we are all asked to remain alert and report any suspicious behaviour.

If you suspect something is wrong, please report it to the Police.

Please follow the link here to read the latest UK Protect Bulletin, issued by UK Counter Terrorism Policing UK following the recent UK threat level rise from Substantial to Severe.

There is no specific intelligence to indicate that an attack will occur in Scotland, however you are asked to remain vigilant, report any suspicious behaviour and remain ALERT, not alarmed.

Police Scotland have issued a reassurance message to the public here. If you suspect something is wrong, please report it to the Police.

A ‘Bridge Call’ bulletin, which you can read here, is a message from Deputy Assistant Commissioner Matt Twist and is specifically aimed at providing security information for the business community.

Police Scotland is also encouraging anyone who has experienced or witnessed a hate crime to report it by dialling 101 in non-emergencies or 999 in an emergency. Alternatively, reports can be made online by completing their online reporting form, which can be found here.

You can also report a hate crime anonymously by contacting Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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