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Voluntary Early Release Programme continues

The deadline for applications for the Voluntary Early Release programme is midnight on 18 June 2023.  You can access the VER application form to apply for VER.

Applications are invited from all areas of North Ayrshire Council with the exception of:

  • posts which are funded by Devolved School Management budget processes – a list of these is included within the VER Excluded List.
  • any post on Teachers terms and conditions
  • HSCP – Care at Home Service (all Care at Home staff and Managers within that service), Social Workers (Grade 10) and HSCP Occupational Therapists

It should be noted that applications will be considered on the basis of cost and business impact. There will also be a robust review process for each application made and not all applications will be approved. Please note that the outcome of your application for VER will not be communicated to you until December 2023. Successful VER applicants will leave the Council on 31st March 2024.

Please note that this programme is only applicable to Local Government employees. Employees must have at least 2 years continuous service by 31st March 2024 to be eligible to apply.

Craig Hatton, Chief Executive, talks about the launch of the VER programme.  View the video here.

Further information on the programme can be accessed through the Frequently Asked Questions and SWAY Document.  

As a reminder there will be three further drop-in sessions held from 10am-4pm on the following dates:

  • 1 June (Saltcoats Town Hall) 10am-4pm
  • 2 June (Council Offices Lamlash, Arran) 11.30am – 3.30pm
  • 5 June (Cunninghame House) 10am-4pm
  • 16 June (Cunninghame House) 10am-4pm

If you wish to attend one of these sessions, please bring along proof of your ID.

If you are considering VER and wish a pension statement, the above sessions are your opportunity to do so.  HR will be unable to deal with requests for pension statements outwith the allocated dates/times noted.

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