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Volunteers required for new Arran emergency care response team

Would you be interested in helping your community and visitors who need assistance during an emergency?

Our Care for People team is responsible for providing a care response during an emergency situation in North Ayrshire, supported by the Ayrshire Civil Contingencies Team.

Did you know?

North Ayrshire Council has a responsibility to look after people during emergency events when there is serious risk to the welfare of people or the environment.

On Arran, we are looking to supplement the numbers of people who are willing to come out and help with members of the community during an emergency.

Many islanders already step forward and offer their help during such times and the Council is recognising and supporting their involvement by offering training to help improve their knowledge and skills.

Why do we need an emergency response on Arran?

There are many occasions when the Council might be providing a care for people response, for example, severe weather, power outages and stranded ferry passengers.

As part of our overall response programme, the Council would hope to be able to call on trained community volunteers to assist – just as we did very recently when members of the community at Corrie stepped up to help the campers who were flooded out of the campsite at Glen Rosa.

Campsite tents with mountain landscape
Scenic photograph of Arran with hills, coastal housing and sea

The Council is looking for volunteers who live on Arran to join a new Care for People team dedicated to helping on the island in emergency situations.

The types of situations we would envisage needing volunteer help are:

  • Helping to deal with stranded ferry passengers when the ferry does not sail
  • Helping people during severe weather
  • Helping people during prolonged power outages
  • Helping with evacuation of properties, should that be required

In some instances, we would require to set up a rest centre where people can be given immediate shelter and care provided until the situation resolves. The rest centre would usually be in a local community centre/school/village or games hall and would provide:

  • Safety and shelter
  • Information and advice
  • Registration and interviewing
  • First Aid, if required
  • Refreshments
  • Comfort and support

Volunteers will receive full training and take part in occasional operational exercises. Most roles do not require any specific qualifications, and you will not be asked to do anything you are uncomfortable with.

While we cannot say how often you would be called to assist, this is likely to be occasionally at most, with time off in lieu being awarded for any call-outs that occur outside of your usual working hours or during weekends.

A collaborative, multi-agency/community approach

In recognition of the positive involvement of the Arran community, it is proposed that the resilience team on Arran will comprise both Council employees and community volunteers with additional support from the Ayrshire Civil Contingencies Team.

Members of the Civil Contingencies Team and the Care for People team from the mainland will be on Arran on Wednesday, October 11, and Thursday, October 12, and will offer at least two sessions (one of which will be in the evening) for anyone who is interested in taking part.

The sessions will welcome anyone who wants to improve their knowledge and skills as well as those interested in becoming a community volunteer.

If you are a staff member who lives on Arran and would like to volunteer, or if you require any additional information, please contact Lesley Jeffery (Ayrshire Civil Contingencies Team) on 01292 616289 or Julie Davis (NAHSCP) on 01294 317766.

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