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We need you! Staff wanted for summer youth sessions

Connected Communities Community Learning and Development have an exciting opportunity to work with young people over the summer. Could you be just who the team are looking for?

We are looking to recruit sessional youth work staff to work across our summer activity and food programme with opportunities across all of mainland North Ayrshire.

Connected Communities are looking for staff who may be off over the summer period that can work all or part of the programme that is Monday – Friday 11am-2pm for up to 15 hours per week. Starting 3rd July for a 4 week period.

For those that are able to cover the full programme this will be 15 hours per week (Mon-Fri).  If you are only able to do some of these it will be 3 hours per day.

The advert closes on 9th May find out more and apply online here.

This is a great opportunity for staff who are looking to gain experience working with young people, or perhaps would like to give something back to their communities by helping our young people across North Ayrshire to make memories to remember this summer!

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