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Website redesign, share your views

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Over 2022-23, Google Analytics information told us that 67% of people using the website did so using a mobile device which proves that our users are shifting towards a flexible approach when using our site.

The redesign will be shaped by the data and feedback gathered from surveys, focus groups and workshops allowing us to design a site that works better for the customer.

The Web and Digital Experience Team within IT will facilitate the redesign project which will ensure that customers can access information easily, reach services quickly and carry out online tasks smoothly and efficiently without any barriers.

We would love you to be involved at all stages. Currently, we’re seeking volunteers who can join at various stages in the process to test ideas. Review the form and become a user tester, and be a part of the digital and websites testing programme.

In late September, a customer survey will be issued through our staff communication channels, website, and our social media for everyone to share their feedback and thoughts. The Council website belongs to everyone, and we actively encourage all feedback to support the website project.

Are you working on a project relating to the Digital Strategy? Or perhaps you’re looking for help to spread the word or engage with staff on another important project? If so, get in touch to find out how Communications can help you via News In Brief, Latest News and Staff Talk. Email:

The North Ayrshire Council website redesign project which is part of the Accessing our Council transformation programme and supports the priorities of the Digital Strategy, began in early September 2023.

It is estimated to be completed during Autumn 2024. We want to hear what you think at all stages of this redesign journey.

With over 5 million page views per year, it’s important that we continue to evolve our website.

After analysis, the Web and Digital Experience team (part of ICT) have found some web pages do not perform as well as they should. Slow page load speeds can frustrate customers when they try to complete a task or find information.

Our findings also highlight that language needs to be simplified, easier to read and jargon free.

The website redesign project aims to:

  • take a task centred approach, putting the customer first when designing and developing features
  • make the website accessible to all users in line with legislation
  • improve load speed and performance
  • make the site engaging
  • reduce customer touchpoints to simplify the completion of online tasks
  • ensure customers can perform tasks and access information on a variety of devices
  • use simple, plain language

Prepare for upcoming engagement sessions

The Web and Digital Experience Team will facilitate service engagement sessions as part of the key stakeholder engagement and discovery phase. If you regularly update web pages, then you’ll have an opportunity to attend an engagement session soon.

In advance of the session consider the following elements of your current website content:

  • readability – keeping language clear and simple will make sure your service is understandable to all your users. Long sentences and complicated content might exclude some of our customers. Web content experts recommend imagining your readers are 9 years old
  • content – if you are regularly contacted for the same information, perhaps information is missing from your webpage content
  • accessibility – be aware that accessibility regulations include documents linked to and from websites, intranets, and apps
  • share any list of ‘like to haves’ as well as ‘need to haves’
  • share any frustrations, blockers, changes to current processes, and any new processes that are in the pipeline

Please have an open mind to suggestions from the project team around existing content. These collaborative conversations will be of great benefit, ensuring the project runs smoothly and everyone works together to shape the future of the website.

We will be in touch with you before the end of September or you can log a job on the IT portal to request a session sooner.

If you have any questions or would like more further information about the Council website redesign please contact: Kirsty Kirkpatrick, Senior Development Officer

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